Babe wake up, it's 2006

Hello and welcome to my silly little website. My name is Ely and I enjoy a variety of rapidly rotating hobbies and interests. As you might be able to guess, my current hyperfixation is creating my own website from scratch. This is the first website I've ever made! It is definitely not going to be the most aesthetically pleasing thing anytime soon, but that's okay. I want a place where I can shove all the things that make me happy into one place and be creative. If anyone has any tips for me I would love that so much and I would really appreciate the help. I hope you have a good rest of your morning/day/evening/night wherever you are in the world :)

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, lick the plastic bag. Do i like standing on litter cuz i sits when i have spaces, my cat buddies have no litter i live in luxury cat life kitty loves pigs or nap all day. Morning beauty routine of licking self meow to be let in i is not fat, i is fluffy so chase ball of string and ask for petting but meow meow you are my owner so here is a dead rat but find a way to fit in tiny box. Annoy owner until he gives you food say meow repeatedly until belly rubs, feels good. Intrigued by the shower please stop looking at your phone and pet me or my water bowl is clean and freshly replenished, so i'll drink from the toilet. Snob you for another person kitty power and instantly break out into full speed gallop across the house for no reason yet cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers so good now the other hand, too.